Sunday, May 8, 2011

Recycled Childs Toy

I chose to make and airplane piggy bank as my childs toy. Growing up I was one of the few girls in my family and my brother and cousins would always play with airplanes and racecars. So I decided that I wanted to make an airplane some how. First I started with a plastic soda bottle and then found some cardboard boxes (frosted flakes box). Then i started to cut out the shapes for the wings and then hot glued them onto the bottle. I cut out slits for them so they could be glued inside the bottle itself so it was a more durable toy. Then I added on the landing gear and colored stars onto the wings. After looking at the final project it would have taken away from the plastic bottle if the cap was covered so I am happy with the results of this final project. I wish I was able to take more pictures, but during the beginning process of making this plan I didn't have my camera with me and I appologize for that.

Polyhedral Masks/Polyhedral Wall

I really enjoied this project, this one had to be my favorite overall project for this semester. The objective of this project was to make a mask out of polyhedral shapes. It could be any type of mask that you wished. I started with a seven sided flat figure and then built trianglular polyhedrals off the sides to make the mane for the lion mask i was creating. With adding paint to the polyhedral mask

it brought it to life. I wish that i could have added more details onto the actual face of the lion to make it look more realistic. Another porject that we did similar to this one was to make a wall out of polyhedral shapes. I used a simple diamond shaped polyhedral and with each one i cut out different shapes into it. This was not my favorite project that we did in the class but it wasnt terrible.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Anything but a book and foam core projects

There were two different projects created in this blog. The first was using a book and I had to try and make it look like anything else but a book. I decided to use the folding technique. I used this technique and opened the book down the middle and did a mirror image on the front and back. In the second project we had to do the total opposite. We started with foam board and had to build something that was 12X12X12 and you had to be able to see through it. I like doing both of these projects actually. But the one i perfered to do more than the other was the foam board. It was easier to do in my opinion. I like constructing things better than just folding pieces of paper and not knowing what i was going to end up with.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Anything But A Box

I really enjoyed working on this project. I believe that I did make the requierments for this project, I made the box disappear by making this elephant. Looking back on the work that I did I do believe that I could have added a little more detail to the elephants face to make it more realistic. I did try to make the head of the elephant swivel back and forth but after trying so many times it was just more important to get the object put together. If I could do this project again I would pick the same animal to create but I would choose a bigger box so I had more of a box to work with to make the elephant much bigger than I did. I really liked this project and it did teach me a lot.